Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brains are storming...

Thus far, a plan is starting to come together. Cable wakeboarding and orienteering are on the docket, as well as a few day and overnight trips to some places I've never been... I also think I'm going to take Rhae up on her suggestion to wash my car in the driveway while wearing a bikini and heels. But there's still plenty of time for suggestions!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Challenge Me!

Like it says in the description above, I'm preparing to do some new things in my last 29 days of being 29 years old. Potential ideas I have so far include hiking Table Rock up to the cross, visiting the Idaho Botanical Gardens, and mountain biking at the velo park. I would LOVE to hear any of your suggestions for what I should try. I do like a challenge! Ideas??