Yesterday was a rather fantastic first: I accepted my first real teaching position! My interview was Monday, and they assured me I would hear from them by Friday. Early afternoon on Wednesday, I received a phone call offering me the position. It felt amazing, and my first reaction was disbelief!
In light of the fact that teaching can be a very publicly critiqued job, and this blog is about as public as one can get (accessible by anyone on the internet), I won't be giving out too many details. But I will say that I'm going to be teaching 9th grade physical science - one of the best subjects to teach, because there are so many interesting, exciting, captivating current events that have to do with physical science. (Think: Mars rovers, the Large Hadron Collider, In-Situ Resource Utilization, and the keys to understanding xkcd.)
I am extremely excited about the job, as it's pretty much the perfect introduction to teaching. The school setting, class size, and basic expectations contribute to this. The staff sound fabulous, the students seem delightful, and my freedom in the classroom is apparent. This year is most definitely going to be one to remember. Quite the "first."
27 to go.
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